Just for your information, I’ve updated the blog flier to include my YouTube channel. It would be great if you could print off and display it prominently.
Thank you
Also, new You Tube video sessions available for
🎃 Halloween - https://youtu.be/nGGCKgI8vQs?si=guQu5N4f6E-yaxWp
🍻 Pub Quiz - https://youtu.be/eOmO6BLiJes?si=IJPQqfd16uXI_-wG
🍁 The Arrival Of Autumn - https://youtu.be/00K_W110iuI?si=5cFuXCRHGX1ApcWj
🗣️ TV Catchphrases - https://youtu.be/o1jAhHcy0DQ?si=5ikqpKanJc-ZmJtd
🗽 Landmarks - https://youtu.be/A3T2UmGmDR0?si=OrkhUdM9a1bRvvgF
Coming soon …
🔥 Bonfire Night
🥀 Remembrance Sunday
Also, I’m looking for some more content for my next Creative Arts Gallery
Any feedback would be gratefully received simondementia@gmail.com