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6 monthly report June 2023

Here is a six monthly report for 'Simon's CST Activities Blog'. It's not really for any purpose other than to help me monitor engagement, which I guess is an important indicator of usefulness.

Of course, the survey results below are far more important to me and I highly value all feedback received. There were 20 respondents, which isn't bad as the survey, being free, was only available on-line for five days. Thanks to all who contributed. I'm very heartened by your responses and there's a lot there for me to think about.

Of course, if you were too late to contribute, just drop me a line at

January - June 2023 Data

🌍 254 free subscribers at (that's +46)

🐦 631 @donovan_si Twitter 484 followers (that's +147)

1,678 (+13%) unique visitors at , with

5,096 (+44%) site sessions, but

Only 210 of these were return or regular visitors. I guess this is about the same as my subscription base and I'm happy with that. This is mainly because most regular visitors are CST group facilitators dotted around the country. So this means that my work is likely benefiting several thousands of people with dementia, as well as of course our own local 'Cariad Friendship Group'.

Here are the top visited blog posts for Jan-Jun 2023.

You can help by supporting costs at ☕️ & letting others know about this free CST resource.

Thanks, Simon 🙏

2. What are the things you most like about Simon's CST Activities Blog?



Topical & interesting.

The wide range of topics. The attention to detail.

The variety of topics.

The variety of subject matter and the thoroughness of the research.

The variety of question formats- videos pictures music missing words.

The variety of content, something for every topic/event. Interactive, easy to access.

The regular updates, great ideas, and so many resources.

The range of themes.

The musical content, regularity and many different topics.

The creativity he puts into his programs The warmth towards people with dementia.

The amout of help and resources we get, for an activity co ordinator working with people with dementia its been invaluable .

Productive, well thought through, helpful.

I like that it is so dementia friendly. I love the idioms and also love the links to music. It’s a resource I like to use.

Ideas on what to do in groups that keep them varied.


I love the activities and national days you put on.

How well its all laid out.

Free simple access activities that are themed and provide a great core for conversation and stimulation.

3. How could it be improved?

Taking into account more advanced dementia.

Some lower level content.

Not sure you can, it already does what I need.

Not sure.


More blogs!

Maybe some extra suggestions for physical activity by which I mean activities do such as bake some bread , taste some food , play balloon game etc.

Less about ‘celebrities’.

It's great as it is.

I think it's perfect as it is.

I think it’s perfect as it is.

I'm happy with it all.

If is was explained or made easy to download or print pictured etc directly.

If all picture quizes etc were in thumbnail format or numerous pictures fitted to a page as usess alot of paper ink and time to print them as handouts to group members.

I am struggling to find something.

I always go through any session before I use it. When I use a session, I print out the answers so I have them to hand if I need them when we are looking at the images on our big screen. I prep every session and extend any topics I think my group will enjoy. I appreciate that the pages are regularly updated but I’d find it really helpful to have them marked as such in some way. Thank you.

Don't know.

Can’t think of anything.

Can't fault it, do am amazing job.

Activities often ‘test’ people affected by dementia with right or wrong answers. More activity based on opinion would fit CST better.

5. Which session or theme worked best in practice?

Year events eg Christmas Also nature and the environment. Also the music to accompany the quizzes.

Today we used the art discussion and household treasures resources that made the session fun for us and the attendees.

They all work well to dip in and out of. The idioms go down well.

The ones that bring up family memories, holidays,food, childhood games, and most of all music.


Not sure.


Most of them.

Jobs for the boys (cafe session).

I liked the women’s international day quiz. A resident asked if I had a quiz on that day specifically around women’s international day and per chance I had seen it earlier so it made me look great in my role :-) - thanks Simon!

I dip in and out of them all.

Idioms are brilliant. Picture rounds.


Coronation theme.

Cant name a session or theme, but say that the playfulness is what really works.


Anything with Music.

Anything with an entertainment bias works well with my group for older persons - comedy TV and music in particular.

All I have used, have been great.

7. Would you suggest anything to add in or take out?


Take out quizzes.

Sorry no.

Sessions are all encompassing so hard to say . Maybe there could be a set of sessions for more advanced dementia so tapping into sensory skills and more visual.

Nothing as it is so varied I pick and choose what I think my groups would enjoy.

No, they're fantastic.

No keep doing what your doing, it really is that good!


Maybe Simon's tips and trix to make it work, his knowledge behind the choices he makes.

Just notice sometimes answers havnt got number next to it its easier with answers being numbered.

I think you have it covered.

I often prep a Bingo type game on a theme to play as an activity. It can be words, images or songs/singers.

I'll have a think. I guess ways to draw someone out who might be reluctant to speak/particpate.

Don’t think so. I like it all - some bits more than others :-)

8. Have you any feedback from your group or individuals living with dementia?

Yes I have 8 groups a week who often comment on how interesting and a good time they've had in meetings

We use your fabulous resource as discussion points and audio/visual prompts. The group then talk about familiar things and the session is guided by them. They are a group of friends socialising and having fun. Thank you for your help, Simon

They like the music.

They just find the tasks fun and engaging.

They enjoy the themed sessions.

Often people will say, oh i had forgotten about that, or oh i remember that! Your quizzes are brilliant, especially with photos and musical links to you tube.

No but they do like it.

Musical themes work best.

Most of them say how much they enjoy the visuals.

I use different aspects of each theme in different circumstances depending on what technology is available. People always enjoy.

Always enjoy the sessions . Thank you!

Excellent content.

Enjoy reminiscing.

Enjoyed session.

Doing a quiz was always something to look forward to as my husband was able to participate.

Caginess from some at the start of each session despite putting/ doing familiar things to help them.

Always appreciated.

A few have said great item and asked where I get my ideas from and I tell them.

9. Have you any suggestions for future themes or guest blogs?



When doing quizzes or picture quizzes maybe include more modern item/people as some were born in the 40/50’s so their era is 60/70’s.

What about an international sharing of artwork from CST groups online? Maybe gathering of everyone's best tips for a certain theme.

We always devote a session to Getting To Know You whenever we have someone new and repeat it quite often for reassurance. It’s loosely based on Twenty Questions and Never Have I Ever. After a couple of hours we play a game of Poker Face where I say a fact about one individual and they have to maintain a Poker Face whilst the others decide who I’m talking about. We do a similar session with Things That Make Us Happy and we make a poster using large sticky notes on a wall.

Thing around exploring the senses.

No, sorry.



Natural world.

Name that tune arrist and year after 10 seconds of music 50s 60s and 70s.

Maybe some more ideas for food prep that doesn't involve cooking.

I like the National day themes but equally like the fillers you have.

Dolly Parton?

Can’t think of any.

As i said previously keep doing what your doing, its working perfectly!

All good. Thank you Simon.

10. Is there anything you would like to add?

Well done Simon. Your CST resources are amazing👍👍👍👍

Thank you so much

Thank you for your time and effort

Thank you for sharing

Thank you for all the work you put into these.

Thank you for all that you do, it truely is a valuable resource.

Thank you.

Thank you

Simon is great and such a blessing to have his resources to use


Just my thanks!

Just my sincere thanks for all effort and time put into creating his blogs

Just a massive thank you, this blog has been a game changer. I've delivered cst for 13 years now and had become quite bored and stale, I' excited and my passion has reignited

Just a huge big THANK YOU SIMON, cheers from Helen and all The Sunshine Club Gang in sunny Dudley! 😊

Just a big thank you❤️❤️❤️

Huge thank you for all the hard work you put in for making it accessible and interesting for people living with dementia

Absolutely love your ideas and content, please don’t change it too much. Thanks

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